Last Sunday I attended a photography workshop with a Hunger Games inspired fashion theme sponsored by the South Jersey Photography Co-Op in Oaklyn, NJ. Thanks to Elysian Models (Samantha, Cassie, Kenzie, Angie, and Molly), the event organizers Bill and Scott, hairstylist Cyndi Griffiths, and make-up-artist Chelsea Banks who created the looks.
I used twin Samsung NX500 cameras to capture 3D stereo photos, like the one above. The NX500 cameras used pairs of Nikon 1.8 50 mm and Nikon 2.8 24 mm lenses with adapters that required manual focus. When I got the focus right the resulting photos were very sharp. Wireless triggered strobes or constant light fixtures provided the lighting. The left and right images were aligned and edited with Stereo Photo Maker software.
I placed my best photos into a Google Android app for viewing with a Cardboard Google VR headset. You can download the free app from the Google play store at:
The app is about 100 MB in size, the largest allowed without extension data. The app is this large because the photos are 4K+ high resolution.
The app features a Zoom mode which allows you to tilt or roll your VR headset viewer clockwise to zoom in (magnify image) and counter-clockwise to zoom out (shrink image). Pressing the phone volume up key toggles between variable zoom or fixed zoom mode setting. Toggle the volume up key to save the zoom level and continue viewing photos at your preferred fixed magnification level for all photos. You can also use Bluetooth key controllers and mouse wheel to change the zoom level.
You can re-position the photo viewing window to an area of interest by moving your headset up/down or left/right. I call this technique "swivel viewing", since sitting in a swivel chair works well. This fashion photo app is limited to swivel viewing.
For my 3D/VR Stereo Photo Viewer app, I named my original headset viewing motion technique "couch viewing" because you could lay on a couch and still re-position and zoom the viewing window without a lot of movement. Both of these viewing mode techniques are available in my 3D/VR Stereo Photo Viewer app found at
Plus this app also has new 360 3D panoramic viewing modes with three types of 3D 360 photo projections available: Equirectangular, Mercator, and Cylindrical.
Here are the other photos you will find in the 3D/VR fashion app, but presented here at a lower resolution: